Notice Regarding admission Process to the B.A/B.SC/B.Com (Honours/Genenral) Sem-IV
It is notified for the information to all concerned that Admission process
to the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Honours & General) Semester- V (under
CBCS) classes will commence on and from 05/1112024 and will continue
up to 20/11/2024.
Payments will be accepted through online mode only (Credit/Debit
Cards/Network wallets/Net Banking/Cash Card/Mobile wallets etc).
Students have to pay the "Admission Fee" by clicking on the "Link for online payment" in the website:
Then students have to choose the following options:-Then students have to choose the following options:-
Then enter "College Roll'No" as User lD and DOB (DDMM YY format)
as Password.
In case of any problems during the time of online pavment. studentsIn case of anv problems during the time of online payment. students are directed to contact the college on working days (during office hours) and should not made anv double payments.
The details of Admission Fees are given below:-
Classes | Admission Fee (in Rupees) |
B.A. Honours (without Laboratory) | 2400/- |
B.A. /B.Sc. Honours (with Geography) | 4710/- |
B.A. General (without Laboratory) | 2150/- |
B.A. General (with Laboratory) | 3560/- |
B.Sc. Honours (BOTA,ZOOA) | 4110/- |
B.Sc. Honours (FNTA) | 4560/- |
B.Sc. General | 3560/- |
B.Com. Honours | 3060/- |
B.Com. General | 2810/- |